pactl --version (return code: 0)
pactl 8.0
Compiled with libpulse 8.0.0
Linked with libpulse 8.0.0
pactl --help (return code: 0)
pactl [options] stat
pactl [options] info
pactl [options] list [short] [TYPE]
pactl [options] exit
pactl [options] upload-sample FILENAME [NAME]
pactl [options] play-sample NAME [SINK]
pactl [options] remove-sample NAME
pactl [options] load-module NAME [ARGS ...]
pactl [options] unload-module NAME|#N
pactl [options] move-(sink-input|source-output) #N SINK|SOURCE
pactl [options] suspend-(sink|source) NAME|#N 1|0
pactl [options] set-card-profile CARD PROFILE
pactl [options] set-default-(sink|source) NAME
pactl [options] set-(sink|source)-port NAME|#N PORT
pactl [options] set-(sink|source)-volume NAME|#N VOLUME [VOLUME ...]
pactl [options] set-(sink-input|source-output)-volume #N VOLUME [VOLUME ...]
pactl [options] set-(sink|source)-mute NAME|#N 1|0|toggle
pactl [options] set-(sink-input|source-output)-mute #N 1|0|toggle
pactl [options] set-sink-formats #N FORMATS
pactl [options] set-port-latency-offset CARD-NAME|CARD-#N PORT OFFSET
pactl [options] subscribe
can be used to specify the default sink, source and monitor.
-h, --help Show this help
--version Show version
-s, --server=SERVER The name of the server to connect to
-n, --client-name=NAME How to call this client on the server