packetforge-ng -V (return code: 1)
packetforge-ng: unrecognized option '--version'
"packetforge-ng --help" for help.
packetforge-ng -HELP (return code: 1)
Packetforge-ng 1.2 rc4 - (C) 2006-2015 Thomas d'Otreppe
Original work: Martin Beck
Usage: packetforge-ng <mode> <options>
Forge options:
-p <fctrl> : set frame control word (hex)
-a <bssid> : set Access Point MAC address
-c <dmac> : set Destination MAC address
-h <smac> : set Source MAC address
-j : set FromDS bit
-o : clear ToDS bit
-e : disables WEP encryption
-k <ip[:port]> : set Destination IP [Port]
-l <ip[:port]> : set Source IP [Port]
-t ttl : set Time To Live
-w <file> : write packet to this pcap file
-s <size> : specify size of null packet
-n <packets> : set number of packets to generate
Source options:
-r <file> : read packet from this raw file
-y <file> : read PRGA from this file
--arp : forge an ARP packet (-0)
--udp : forge an UDP packet (-1)
--icmp : forge an ICMP packet (-2)
--null : build a null packet (-3)
--custom : build a custom packet (-9)
--help : Displays this usage screen