oshrun --version (return code: 0)
oshrun (OpenRTE) 2.0.2
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oshrun --help (return code: 0)
oshrun (OpenRTE) 2.0.2
Usage: oshrun [OPTION]... [PROGRAM]...
Start the given program using Open RTE
Allow execution as root (STRONGLY DISCOURAGED)
-am <arg0> Aggregate MCA parameter set file list
--app <arg0> Provide an appfile; ignore all other command line
--bind-to <arg0> Policy for binding processes. Allowed values: none,
hwthread, core, l1cache, l2cache, l3cache, socket,
numa, board ("none" is the default when
oversubscribed, "core" is the default when np<=2,
and "socket" is the default when np>2). Allowed
qualifiers: overload-allowed, if-supported
Bind processes to cores
Bind processes to sockets
-bycore|--bycore Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by
-bynode|--bynode Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by
-byslot|--byslot Whether to map and rank processes round-robin by
-c|-np|--np <arg0> Number of processes to run
-cf|--cartofile <arg0>
Provide a cartography file
-cpu-set|--cpu-set <arg0>
Comma-separated list of ranges specifying logical
cpus allocated to this job [default: none]
-cpus-per-proc|--cpus-per-proc <arg0>
Number of cpus to use for each process [default=1]
-cpus-per-rank|--cpus-per-rank <arg0>
Synonym for cpus-per-proc
Enable debugging of OpenRTE
-debug|--debug Invoke the user-level debugger indicated by the
orte_base_user_debugger MCA parameter
Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by
this application
Enable debugging of any OpenRTE daemons used by
this application, storing output in files
-debugger|--debugger <arg0>
Sequence of debuggers to search for when "--debug"
is used
-default-hostfile|--default-hostfile <arg0>
Provide a default hostfile
Disable recovery (resets all recovery options to
Display the allocation being used by this job
Display a detailed list (mostly intended for
developers) of the allocation being used by this
Display a detailed process map (mostly intended for
developers) just before launch
Display a diffable process map (mostly intended for
developers) just before launch
Display the process map just before launch
Display the topology as part of the process map
(mostly intended for developers) just before
Perform all necessary operations to prepare to
launch the application, but do not actually launch
Do not attempt to resolve interfaces
-dvm|--dvm Create a persistent distributed virtual machine
Enable recovery from process failure [Default =
-gmca|--gmca <arg0> <arg1>
Pass global MCA parameters that are applicable to
all contexts (arg0 is the parameter name; arg1 is
the parameter value)
-h|--help This help message
-H|-host|--host <arg0> List of hosts to invoke processes on
-H|-host|--host <arg0> List of hosts to invoke processes on
--hetero-apps Indicates that multiple app_contexts are being
provided that are a mix of 32/64 bit binaries
--hetero-nodes Nodes in cluster may differ in topology, so send
the topology back from each node [Default = false]
-hostfile|--hostfile <arg0>
Provide a hostfile
Uniquely index argv[0] for each process using its
-launch-agent|--launch-agent <arg0>
Command used to start processes on remote nodes
(default: orted)
Enable debugging of OpenRTE
-machinefile|--machinefile <arg0>
Provide a hostfile
--map-by <arg0> Mapping Policy [slot | hwthread | core | socket
(default) | numa | board | node]
-max-restarts|--max-restarts <arg0>
Max number of times to restart a failed process
-max-vm-size|--max-vm-size <arg0>
Number of processes to run
-mca|--mca <arg0> <arg1>
Pass context-specific MCA parameters; they are
considered global if --gmca is not used and only
one context is specified (arg0 is the parameter
name; arg1 is the parameter value)
-N <arg0> Launch n processes per node on all allocated nodes
(synonym for npernode)
-n|--n <arg0> Number of processes to run
-nolocal|--nolocal Do not run any MPI applications on the local node
Nodes are not to be oversubscribed, even if the
system supports such operation
--noprefix Disable automatic --prefix behavior
-novm|--novm Execute without creating an allocation-spanning
virtual machine (only start daemons on nodes
hosting application procs)
-npernode|--npernode <arg0>
Launch n processes per node on all allocated nodes
-npersocket|--npersocket <arg0>
Launch n processes per socket on all allocated
-ompi-server|--ompi-server <arg0>
Specify the URI of the publish/lookup server, or
the name of the file (specified as file:filename)
that contains that info
-output-filename|--output-filename <arg0>
Redirect output from application processes into
Output the debugger proctable after launch
Nodes are allowed to be oversubscribed, even on a
managed system, and overloading of processing
-path|--path <arg0> PATH to be used to look for executables to start
-pernode|--pernode Launch one process per available node
-personality|--personality <arg0>
Programming model/language being used
--ppr <arg0> Comma-separated list of number of processes on a
given resource type [default: none]
--prefix <arg0> Prefix where Open MPI is installed on remote nodes
--preload-files <arg0>
Preload the comma separated list of files to the
remote machines current working directory before
starting the remote process.
-q|--quiet Suppress helpful messages
--rank-by <arg0> Ranking Policy [slot (default) | hwthread | core |
socket | numa | board | node]
Whether to report process bindings to stderr
Return the exit status of the primary job only
-report-events|--report-events <arg0>
Report events to a tool listening at the specified
-report-pid|--report-pid <arg0>
Printout pid on stdout [-], stderr [+], or a file
[anything else]
-report-uri|--report-uri <arg0>
Printout URI on stdout [-], stderr [+], or a file
[anything else]
-rf|--rankfile <arg0>
Provide a rankfile file
-s|--preload-binary Preload the binary on the remote machine before
starting the remote process.
Set the working directory of the started processes
to their session directory
Output a brief periodic report on launch progress
-slot-list|--slot-list <arg0>
List of processor IDs to bind processes to
-staged|--staged Used staged execution if inadequate resources are
present (cannot support MPI jobs)
-stdin|--stdin <arg0>
Specify procs to receive stdin [rank, all, none]
(default: 0, indicating rank 0)
Tag all output with [job,rank]
Timestamp all application process output
-tune <arg0> Application profile options file list
-tv|--tv Deprecated backwards compatibility flag; synonym
for "--debug"
Use hardware threads as independent cpus
Use regular expressions for launch
-v|--verbose Be verbose
-V|--version Print version and exit
-wd|--wd <arg0> Synonym for --wdir
-wdir|--wdir <arg0> Set the working directory of the started processes
-x <arg0> Export an environment variable, optionally
specifying a value (e.g., "-x foo" exports the
environment variable foo and takes its value from
the current environment; "-x foo=bar" exports the
environment variable name foo and sets its value to
"bar" in the started processes)
-xml|--xml Provide all output in XML format
-xml-file|--xml-file <arg0>
Provide all output in XML format to the specified
-xterm|--xterm <arg0>
Create a new xterm window and display output from
the specified ranks there
Report bugs to http://www.open-mpi.org/community/help/