ocamldep.opt -version (return code: 0)
ocamldep, version 4.04.0
ocamldep.opt --help (return code: 0)
Usage: ocamldep [options] <source files>
Options are:
-absname Show absolute filenames in error messages
-all Generate dependencies on all files
-allow-approx Fallback to a lexer-based approximation on unparseable files
-as-map Omit delayed dependencies for module aliases (-no-alias-deps -w -49)
-debug-map Dump the delayed dependency map for each map file
-I <dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories
-impl <f> Process <f> as a .ml file
-intf <f> Process <f> as a .mli file
-map <f> Read <f> and propagate delayed dependencies to following files
-ml-synonym <e> Consider <e> as a synonym of the .ml extension
-mli-synonym <e> Consider <e> as a synonym of the .mli extension
-modules Print module dependencies in raw form (not suitable for make)
-native Generate dependencies for native-code only (no .cmo files)
-bytecode Generate dependencies for bytecode-code only (no .cmx files)
-one-line Output one line per file, regardless of the length
-open <module> Opens the module <module> before typing
-pp <cmd> Pipe sources through preprocessor <cmd>
-ppx <cmd> Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <cmd>
-slash (Windows) Use forward slash / instead of backslash \ in file paths
-sort Sort files according to their dependencies
-version Print version and exit
-vnum Print version number and exit
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options