obprobe -V (return code: 255)
Usage: obprobe [options] <type> <pchg> <filename>
<type>: the probe MMFF94 atom type
<pchg>: the probe's partial charge
Options: Description:
-s <stepsize> step size
-p <padding> padding
Example probes:
<type> <pchg> Description:
7 -0.57 carbonyl oxygen (HBA)
21 0.4 hydroxyl hydrogen (HBD)
37 0.0 phenyl carbon (hydrophobic)
obprobe --help (return code: 255)
Usage: obprobe [options] <type> <pchg> <filename>
<type>: the probe MMFF94 atom type
<pchg>: the probe's partial charge
Options: Description:
-s <stepsize> step size
-p <padding> padding
Example probes:
<type> <pchg> Description:
7 -0.57 carbonyl oxygen (HBA)
21 0.4 hydroxyl hydrogen (HBD)
37 0.0 phenyl carbon (hydrophobic)