nghttpd --version (return code: 0)
nghttpd nghttp2/1.7.1
nghttpd --help (return code: 0)
Usage: nghttpd [OPTION]... <PORT> [<PRIVATE_KEY> <CERT>]
HTTP/2 server
<PORT> Specify listening port number.
Set path to server's private key. Required unless
--no-tls is specified.
<CERT> Set path to server's certificate. Required unless
--no-tls is specified.
-a, --address=<ADDR>
The address to bind to. If not specified the default IP
address determined by getaddrinfo is used.
-D, --daemon
Run in a background. If -D is used, the current working
directory is changed to '/'. Therefore if this option
is used, -d option must be specified.
-V, --verify-client
The server sends a client certificate request. If the
client did not return a certificate, the handshake is
terminated. Currently, this option just requests a
client certificate and does not verify it.
-d, --htdocs=<PATH>
Specify document root. If this option is not specified,
the document root is the current working directory.
-v, --verbose
Print debug information such as reception/ transmission
of frames and name/value pairs.
--no-tls Disable SSL/TLS.
-c, --header-table-size=<SIZE>
Specify decoder header table size.
--color Force colored log output.
-p, --push=<PATH>=<PUSH_PATH,...>
Push resources <PUSH_PATH>s when <PATH> is requested.
This option can be used repeatedly to specify multiple
push configurations. <PATH> and <PUSH_PATH>s are
relative to document root. See --htdocs option.
Example: -p/=/foo.png -p/doc=/bar.css
-b, --padding=<N>
Add at most <N> bytes to a frame payload as padding.
Specify 0 to disable padding.
-m, --max-concurrent-streams=<N>
Set the maximum number of the concurrent streams in one
HTTP/2 session.
Default: 100
-n, --workers=<N>
Set the number of worker threads.
Default: 1
-e, --error-gzip
Make error response gzipped.
Path to file that contains DH parameters in PEM format.
Without this option, DHE cipher suites are not
Start sending response when request HEADERS is received,
rather than complete request is received.
Add a trailer header to a response. <HEADER> must not
include pseudo header field (header field name starting
with ':'). The trailer is sent only if a response has
body part. Example: --trailer 'foo: bar'.
--hexdump Display the incoming traffic in hexadecimal (Canonical
hex+ASCII display). If SSL/TLS is used, decrypted data
are used.
Send back uploaded content if method is POST or PUT.
Path to file that contains MIME media types and the
extensions that represent them.
Default: /etc/mime.types
Don't send content-length header field.
--version Display version information and exit.
-h, --help Display this help and exit.
The <SIZE> argument is an integer and an optional unit (e.g., 10K is
10 * 1024). Units are K, M and G (powers of 1024).