nes -V (return code: 1)
Starting FCEUX 2.2.2...
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(nes:5941): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
nes --help (return code: 0)
Usage is as follows:
nes <options> filename
Option Value Description
--pal {0|1} Use PAL timing.
--newppu {0|1} Enable the new PPU core. (WARNING: May break savestates)
--inputcfg d Configures input device d on startup.
--input(1,2) d Set which input device to emulate for input 1 or 2.
Devices: gamepad zapper powerpad.0 powerpad.1
--input(3,4) d Set the famicom expansion device to emulate for
input(3, 4)
Devices: quizking hypershot mahjong toprider ftrainer
familykeyboard oekakids arkanoid shadow bworld
--gamegenie {0|1} Enable emulated Game Genie.
--frameskip x Set # of frames to skip per emulated frame.
--xres x Set horizontal resolution for full screen mode.
--yres x Set vertical resolution for full screen mode.
--autoscale {0|1} Enable autoscaling in fullscreen.
--keepratio {0|1} Keep native NES aspect ratio when autoscaling.
--(x/y)scale x Multiply width/height by x.
(Real numbers >0 with OpenGL, otherwise integers >0).
--(x/y)stretch {0|1} Stretch to fill surface on x/y axis (OpenGL only).
--bpp {8|16|32} Set bits per pixel.
--opengl {0|1} Enable OpenGL support.
--fullscreen {0|1} Enable full screen mode.
--noframe {0|1} Hide title bar and window decorations.
--special {1-4} Use special video scaling filters
(1 = hq2x 2 = Scale2x 3 = NTSC 2x 4 = hq3x
5 = Scale3x)
--palette f Load custom global palette from file f.
--sound {0|1} Enable sound.
--soundrate x Set sound playback rate to x Hz.
--soundq {0|1|2} Set sound quality. (0 = Low 1 = High 2 = Very High)
--soundbufsize x Set sound buffer size to x ms.
--volume {0-256} Set volume to x.
--soundrecord f Record sound to file f.
--playmov f Play back a recorded FCM/FM2/FM3 movie from filename f.
--pauseframe x Pause movie playback at frame x.
--fcmconvert f Convert fcm movie file f to fm2.
--ripsubs f Convert movie's subtitles to srt
--subtitles {0|1} Enable subtitle display
--fourscore {0|1} Enable fourscore emulation
--no-config {0|1} Use default config file and do not save
--net s Connect to server 's' for TCP/IP network play.
--port x Use TCP/IP port x for network play.
--user x Set the nickname to use in network play.
--pass x Set password to use for connecting to the server.
--netkey s Use string 's' to create a unique session for the
game loaded.
--players x Set the number of local players in a network play
--rp2mic {0|1} Replace Port 2 Start with microphone (Famicom).
--nogui Don't load the GTK GUI
--4buttonexit {0|1} exit the emulator when A+B+Select+Start is pressed
--loadstate {0-9|>9} load from the given state when the game is loaded
--savestate {0-9|>9} save to the given state when the game is closed
to not save/load automatically provide a number
greater than 9
--periodicsaves {0|1} enable automatic periodic saving. This will save to
the state passed to --savestate
--loadlua f Loads lua script from filename f.
--videolog c Calls mencoder to grab the video and audio streams to
encode them. Check the documentation for more on this.
--mute {0|1} Mutes FCEUX while still passing the audio stream to
mencoder during avi creation.
Compiled with SDL version 1.2.15
Linked with SDL version 1.2.15
Compiled with GTK version 2.24.28