mythreplex -V (return code: 1)
mythreplex: unrecognized option '--version'
usage: mythreplex [options] <input files>
--help, -h: print help message
--type, -t: set output type (MPEG2, DVD, HDTV)
--of, -o: set output file
--input_stream, -i: set input stream type (TS(default), PS, AVI)
--audio_pid, -a: audio PID for TS stream (also used for PS id)
--ac3_id, -c: ID of AC3 audio for demux (also used for PS id)
--video_pid, -v: video PID for TS stream (also used for PS id)
--video_delay, -d: video delay in ms
--audio_delay, -e: audio delay in ms
--ignore_PTS, -f: ignore all PTS information of original
--keep_PTS, -k: keep and don't correct PTS information of original
--fix_sync, -n: try to fix audio sync while demuxing
--demux, -z: demux only (-o is basename)
--analyze, -y: analyze (0=video,1=audio, 2=both)
--scan, -s: scan for streams
--vdr, -x: handle AC3 for vdr input file
mythreplex --help (return code: 1)
usage: mythreplex [options] <input files>
--help, -h: print help message
--type, -t: set output type (MPEG2, DVD, HDTV)
--of, -o: set output file
--input_stream, -i: set input stream type (TS(default), PS, AVI)
--audio_pid, -a: audio PID for TS stream (also used for PS id)
--ac3_id, -c: ID of AC3 audio for demux (also used for PS id)
--video_pid, -v: video PID for TS stream (also used for PS id)
--video_delay, -d: video delay in ms
--audio_delay, -e: audio delay in ms
--ignore_PTS, -f: ignore all PTS information of original
--keep_PTS, -k: keep and don't correct PTS information of original
--fix_sync, -n: try to fix audio sync while demuxing
--demux, -z: demux only (-o is basename)
--analyze, -y: analyze (0=video,1=audio, 2=both)
--scan, -s: scan for streams
--vdr, -x: handle AC3 for vdr input file