mytharchivehelper --version (return code: 0)
Please attach all output as a file in bug reports.
MythTV Version : v29-rc1-4-g696806310a
MythTV Branch : fixes/29
Network Protocol : 91
Library API : 29.20170212-1
QT Version : 5.7.1
Options compiled in:
linux profile use_hidesyms using_alsa using_oss using_pulse using_pulseoutput using_backend using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_crystalhd using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_vbox using_ceton using_hdpvr using_ivtv using_joystick_menu using_libcec using_libcrypto using_libdns_sd using_libfftw3 using_libxml2 using_lirc using_mheg using_opengl using_opengl_video using_opengl_themepainter using_qtwebkit using_qtscript using_qtdbus using_taglib using_v4l2 using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv using_profiletype using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_freetype2 using_mythtranscode using_opengl using_vaapi using_vdpau using_ffmpeg_threads using_mheg using_libass using_libxml2 using_libmp3lame
mytharchivehelper -h (return code: 0)
mytharchivehelper version: fixes/29 [v29-rc1-4-g696806310a]
Misc. Options:
-b OR --burndvd Burn a created DVD to a blank disc
Optional: --mediatype, --erasedvdrw, --nativeformat
--chanid Channel ID to use when inserting records in DB
Used with: --importarchive
-t OR --createthumbnail Create one or more thumbnails
Requires: --infile, --thumblist, --outfile
Optional: --framecount
--delay Delay in ms to add to subtitles (default 0)
Used with: --sup2dast
--erasedvdrw Force an erase of DVD-R/W Media
Used with: --burndvd (optional)
--framecount Number of frames to grab (default 1)
Used with: --createthumbnail
-p OR --getdbparameters Write the mysql database parameters to outfile
Requires: --outfile
-i OR --getfileinfo Write file info about infile to outfile
Requires: --infile, --outfile, --method
--ifofile Filename of ifo file
Used with: --sup2dast
-f OR --importarchive Import an archived file
Requires: --infile, --chanid
--infile Input file name
Used with: --createthumbnail, --getfileinfo, --isremote, --sup2dast, --importarchive
-r OR --isremote Check if infile is on a remote filesystem
Requires: --infile
Returns: 0 on error or file not found
- 1 file is on a local filesystem
- 2 file is on a remote filesystem
--mediatype Type of media to burn
Used with: --burndvd
0 = single layer DVD (default)
1 = dual layer DVD
2 = rewritable DVD
--method Method of file duration calculation
Used with: --getfileinfo
0 = use av_estimate_timings() (quick but not very accurate - default)
1 = read all frames (most accurate but slow)
2 = use position map in DB (quick, only works for MythTV recordings)
-n OR --nativearchive Archive files to a native archive format
Requires: --outfile
--nativeformat Archive is a native archive format
Used with: --burndvd (optional)
--outfile Output file name
Used with: --createthumbnail, --getfileinfo, --getdbparameters, --nativearchive
When used with --createthumbnail: eg 'thumb%1-%2.jpg'
%1 will be replaced with the no. of the thumb
%2 will be replaced with the frame no.
-h OR --help OR --usage Display this help printout, or give detailed information of selected option.
--version Display version information.
-s OR --sup2dast Convert projectX subtitles to DVD subtitles
Requires: --infile, --ifofile, --delay
--thumblist Comma-separated list of required thumbs (in seconds)
Used with: --createthumbnail
Logging Options:
--enable-dblog Enable logging to database.
--loglevel Set the logging level. All log messages at lower levels will be discarded.
In descending order: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug
defaults to info
--logpath Writes logging messages to a file in the directory logpath with filenames in the format:
This is typically used in combination with --daemon, and if used in combination with --pidfile, this can be used
with log rotators, using the HUP call to inform MythTV to reload the file
-q OR --quiet Don't log to the console (-q). Don't log anywhere (-q -q)
--syslog Set the syslog logging facility.
Set to "none" to disable, defaults to none.
-v OR --verbose Specify log filtering. Use '-v help' for level info.