mysqlrplms --version (return code: 0)
MySQL Utilities mysqlrplms version 1.6.1
License type: GPLv2
mysqlrplms --help (return code: 0)
MySQL Utilities mysqlrplms version 1.6.1
License type: GPLv2
Usage: mysqlrplms --slave=root@localhost:3306 --masters=root@localhost:3310,root@localhost:3311 --rpl-user=rpl:passwd
mysqlrplms - establish multi-source replication
--version show program's version number and exit
--help display a help message and exit
--license display program's license and exit
-i INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
interval in seconds for reporting health. Default = 15
seconds. Lowest value is 5 seconds.
interval in seconds for switching masters. Default =
60 seconds. Lowest value is 30 seconds.
--slave=SLAVE connection information for slave server in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
<login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
--masters=MASTERS connection information for master servers in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
<login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
path>[<[group]>]. List multiple master in comma-
separated list.
--rpl-user=RPL_USER the user and password for the replication user
requirement, in the form: <user>[:<password>] or
<login-path>. E.g. rpl:passwd
-b, --start-from-beginning
start replication from the first event recorded in the
binary logging of the masters.
report values used in multi-source replication. It can
be health, gtid or uuid. Multiple values can be used
separated by commas. The default is health.
-f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT
display the output in either grid (default), tab, csv,
or vertical format
--daemon=DAEMON run on daemon mode. It can be start, stop, restart or
--pidfile=PIDFILE pidfile for running mysqlrplms as a daemon.
--log=LOG_FILE specify a log file to use for logging messages
--log-age=LOG_AGE specify maximum age of log entries in days. Entries
older than this will be purged on startup. Default = 7
--ssl-ca=SSL_CA The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL
--ssl-cert=SSL_CERT The name of the SSL certificate file to use for
establishing a secure connection.
--ssl-key=SSL_KEY The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a
secure connection.
--ssl=SSL Specifies if the server connection requires use of
SSL. If an encrypted connection cannot be established,
the connection attempt fails. By default 0 (SSL not
-v, --verbose control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v =
verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug
-q, --quiet turn off all messages for quiet execution.
The mysqlrplms utility is used to setup round robin multi-source replcation.
This technique can be a solution for aggregating streams of data from multiple
masters for a single slave.
The mysqlrplms utility follows these assumptions:
- All servers have GTIDs enabled.
- There are no conflicts between transactions from different sources/masters.
For example, there are no updates to the same object from multiple masters.
- Replication is asynchronous.
A round-robin scheduling is used to setup replication among the masters and
The utility can be run as a daemon on POSIX systems.
# Basic multi-source replication setup.
$ mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
# Multi-source replication setup using a different report values.
$ mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
--masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
# Start multi-source replication running as a daemon. (POSIX only)
$ mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
--masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
--log=rplms_daemon.log \
# Restart a multi-source replication running as a daemon.
$ mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
--masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
--log=rplms_daemon.log \
# Stop a multi-source replication running as a daemon.
$ mysqlrplms --slave=root:pass@host1:3306 \
--masters=root:pass@host2:3306,root:pass@host3:3306 \
--log=rplms_daemon.log \
Helpful Hints
- The default report value is 'health'.
This value can be changed with the --report-values option. It can be
'health', 'gtid' or 'uuid'. Multiple values can be used separated by
- The default output for reporting health is 'grid'.
This value can be changed with the --format option. It can be 'grid',
'tab', 'csv' or 'vertical' format.
- The default interval for reporting health is 15 seconds.
This value can be changed with the --interval option.
- The default interval for switching masters is 60 seconds.
This value can be changed with the --switchover-interval option.