mysqlfailover --version (return code: 0)
MySQL Utilities mysqlfailover version 1.6.1
License type: GPLv2
mysqlfailover --help (return code: 0)
MySQL Utilities mysqlfailover version 1.6.1
License type: GPLv2
Usage: mysqlfailover --master=root@localhost --discover-slaves-login=root --candidates=root@host123:3306,root@host456:3306
mysqlfailover - automatic replication health monitoring and failover
--version show program's version number and exit
--help display this help message and exit
--license display program's license and exit
connection information for candidate slave servers for
failover in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
<login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
path>[<[group]>] Valid only with failover command.
List multiple slaves in comma-separated list.
at startup, query master for all registered slaves and
use the user name and password specified to connect.
Supply the user and password in the form
<user>[:<password>] or <login-path>. For example,
--discover-slaves-login=joe:secret will use 'joe' as
the user and 'secret' as the password for each
discovered slave.
name of script to execute after failover or switchover
name of script to execute before failover or
--log=LOG_FILE specify a log file to use for logging messages
--log-age=LOG_AGE specify maximum age of log entries in days. Entries
older than this will be purged on startup. Default = 7
--master=MASTER connection information for master server in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
<login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
used to detect slave delay. The maximum difference
between the master's log position and the slave's
reported read position of the master. A value greater
than this means the slave is too far behind the
master. Default is 0.
--ping=PING Number of ping attempts for detecting downed server.
used to detect slave delay. The maximum number of
seconds behind the master permitted before slave is
considered behind the master. Default is 0.
--slaves=SLAVES connection information for slave servers in the form:
<user>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>][:<socket>] or
<login-path>[:<port>][:<socket>] or <config-
path>[<[group]>]. List multiple slaves in comma-
separated list.
--timeout=TIMEOUT maximum timeout in seconds to wait for each
replication command to complete. For example, timeout
for slave waiting to catch up to master. Default =
Value for external scripts to trigger aborting the
operation if result is greater than or equal to the
threshold. Default = None (no threshold checking).
-i INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
interval in seconds for polling the master for failure
and reporting health. Default = 15 seconds. Lowest
value is 5 seconds.
action to take when the master fails. 'auto' =
automatically fail to best slave, 'elect' = fail to
candidate list or if no candidate meets criteria fail,
'fail' = take no action and stop when master fails.
Default = 'auto'.
name of script to execute on each interval to invoke
--force override the registration check on master for multiple
instances of the console monitoring the same master.
name of script to execute after failover is complete
and the utility has refreshed the health report.
-p, --pedantic fail if some inconsistencies are found (e.g. errant
transactions on slaves).
--no-keyboard start with no keyboard input support.
--daemon=DAEMON run on daemon mode. It can be start, stop, restart or
--pidfile=PIDFILE pidfile for running mysqlfailover as a daemon.
report values used in mysqlfailover running as a
daemon. It can be health, gtid or uuid. Multiple
values can be used separated by commas. The default is
-v, --verbose control how much information is displayed. e.g., -v =
verbose, -vv = more verbose, -vvv = debug
--rpl-user=RPL_USER the user and password for the replication user
requirement, in the form: <user>[:<password>] or
<login-path>. E.g. rpl:passwd
--ssl-ca=SSL_CA The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL
--ssl-cert=SSL_CERT The name of the SSL certificate file to use for
establishing a secure connection.
--ssl-key=SSL_KEY The name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a
secure connection.
--ssl=SSL Specifies if the server connection requires use of
SSL. If an encrypted connection cannot be established,
the connection attempt fails. By default 0 (SSL not