muttprint --version (return code: 0)
Muttprint 0.73
This program is distributed under the terms of the
GPL and can be freely copied.
muttprint --help (return code: 0)
Usage: muttprint [option]... [-f file]
PLEASE NOTICE: These options override the corresponding settings in
~/.muttprintrc and /etc/Muttprintrc.
-h, --help
This help.
-v, --version
Prints the current version of Muttprint.
Prints out information about the current locale environment and exits.
-f [file], --file [file]
Reads from file instead of STDIN.
-p [printername], --printer [printername]
Uses a specific printer.
"-" stands for STDOUT
For printing to a file use TO_FILE:/path/to/file
-C [print command], --printcommand [print command]
Sets the printing command. "$PRINTER" is substituted by the
printer name.
CUPS support is turned on by "CUPS" (or set it to any command
which containes the string "$CUPS_OPTIONS").
-i [file], --penguin [file]
Sets the picture printed on the first page.
-x, --x-face | -nox, --nox-face
Turn printing of X-Faces on/off.
-t [number], --speed [number]
Time in seconds which the printer needs for one page.
-w [number], --wait [number]
Time between printing odd and even pages for manual duplex printing.
-F [fontname], --font [fontname]
Font family for printing. Possible values are:
Latex, Latex-bright, Times, Utopia, Palatino, Charter and Bookman
-H, --headrule | -noH, --noheadrule
Turn printing of the headrule on or off.
-b, --footrule | -nob, --nofootrule
Turn printing of the footrule on or off.
-S Style | --frontstyle Style
Choose a style for the headers on the first page:
plain, border (default), Border, fbox, shadowbox, ovalbox, Ovalbox, doublebox,
grey, greybox.
Read the manual for a detailed description of this values.
-a [headers], --printed-headers [headers]
Headers that should be printed. See manpage/manual for details.
Example: /Date/_To_From_*Subject*
-P [paperformat], --paper [paperformat]
Paper format: "letter" (US) or "A4" (Europe).
-e [string], --date [string]
original: prints the date as it is in the header
local: converts to local time zone and language
-E [string], --date-format [string]
date format string: see strftime(3) for details
-A [string], --addressformat [string]
Specifies the format of the mail address in the header,
see manpage or documentation for details.
-n [string], --verbatimnormal [string]
Is used for setting the formating of the normal mail text. Read
the user's guide and the manpage for details.
-V [string], --verbatimsig [string]
Same as --verabtimnormal, but this sets the formating
of the signature.
-D, --debug | -noD, --nodebug
Writes useful information to a logfile /tmp/muttprint.log.
-B, --background | -noB, --nobackground
Puts Muttprint in the background after reading the mail data.
(prints no error messages anymore)
-d, --duplex | -nod, --noduplex
Enables or disables duplex printing.
-g [number], --topmargin [number]
Top margin in millimeters
-G [number], --bottommargin [number]
Bottom margin in millimeters
-j [number], --leftmargin [number]
Left margin in millimeters
-J [number], --rightmargin [number]
Right margin in millimeters
-2 | -1
Print one or two pages of text on one side of a sheet.
Corresponds to "papersave mode".
-s, --rem_sig | -nos, --norem_sig
Removes the signature (separated by "-- ") in the printing.
--sig_regexp [Regular expression]
Specifies the regular expression used to recognize the signature.
-q, --rem_quote | -noq, --norem_quote
Remove quoted paragraphs from the printed text.
-z [size], --fontsize [size]
Font size: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt (only these values are accepted)
-W [number], --wrapmargin [number]
Specifies the maximum length of a line before it gets wrapped.
-r [file], --rcfile [file]
Specifies an additional configuration file.
Please report bugs to <>.