musixtex -v (return code: 0)
This is musixtex.lua version 0.18.
musixtex -h (return code: 0)
This is musixtex.lua version 0.18.
Usage: [texlua] musixtex.lua { option | basename[.mtx | .pmx | .aspc | .tex | .ltx] } ...
When no extension is given, extensions are tried in the above order
until a source file is found. Preprocessing goes mtx-pmx-tex or
aspc-tex/ltx, with the entry point determined by the extension.
The normal route after preprocessing goes tex-dvi-ps-pdf, but shorter
routes are also available, see the options.
Options: -v version
-h help
-l latex source
-p direct tex-pdf (pdftex etc)
-F fmt use fmt as the TeX processor
-d tex-dvi-pdf (using dvipdfm if -D not used)
-D dvixx use dvixx as the dvi processor
-c preprocess pmx file using pmxchords
-m stop at pmx
-t stop at tex/mid
-s stop at dvi
-g stop at ps
-i retain intermediate and log files
-q quiet mode (redirect screen logs, write summary on musixtex.log)
-1 one-pass [pdf][la]tex processing
-x run makeindex
-f restore default processing
Four TeX engines are available via the -l and -p options.
etex default
latex -l
pdfetex -p
pdflatex -l -p
If the -F option is used, options -l and -p need to be set if the engine
name does not contain "latex" and "pdf" respectively. For example, the
above four engines can be replaced by:
-F "luatex --output-format=dvi"
-F "lualatex --output-format=dvi"
-F "luatex" -p
-F "lualatex" -p