mplex -V (return code: 1)
mplex: unrecognized option '--version'
mjpegtools mplex-2 version 2.1.0 (2.2.7)
Usage: mplex [params] -o <output filename pattern> <input file>...
%d in the output file name is by segment count
where possible params are:
--verbose|-v num
Level of verbosity. 0 = quiet, 1 = normal 2 = verbose/debug
--format|-f fmt
Set defaults for particular MPEG profiles
[0 = Generic MPEG1, 1 = VCD, 2 = user-rate VCD, 3 = Generic MPEG2,
4 = SVCD, 5 = user-rate SVCD
6 = VCD Stills, 7 = SVCD Stills, 8 = DVD with NAV sectors, 9 = DVD]
--mux-bitrate|-r num
Specify data rate of output stream in kbit/sec
(default 0=Compute from source streams)
--video-buffer|-b num [, num...]
Specifies decoder buffers size in kB. [ 20...2000]
--lpcm-params | -L samppersec:chan:bits [, samppersec:chan:bits]
--mux-limit|-l num
Multiplex only num seconds of material (default 0=multiplex all)
--sync-offset|-O num ms|s|mpt|c
Specify offset of timestamps (video-audio) in mSec
--subpicture-delay|-d delay [ms|s|mpt|c] [:stream-id] [, delay[:stream-id]]
Specify offset of timestamps (video-subpicture) in msec (default) sec, mpt or clock-ticks
--sector-size|-s num
Specify sector size in bytes for generic formats [256..16384]
Force variable bit-rate video multiplexing
Force constant bit-rate video multiplexing
--run-in|-R num
Force a 'run-in' of exactly num frame intervals
--packets-per-pack|-p num
Number of packets per pack generic formats [1..100]
Create System header in every pack in generic formats
--max-segment-size|-S size
Maximum size of output file(s) in Mbyte (default: 0) (no limit)
Don't switch to a new output file if a sequence end marker
is encountered in the input video.
--vdr-index|-i <vdr-index-filename>
Generate a VDR index file with the output stream
--workaround|-W workaround [, workaround ]
Print this lot out!
mplex --help (return code: 1)
mjpegtools mplex-2 version 2.1.0 (2.2.7)
Usage: mplex [params] -o <output filename pattern> <input file>...
%d in the output file name is by segment count
where possible params are:
--verbose|-v num
Level of verbosity. 0 = quiet, 1 = normal 2 = verbose/debug
--format|-f fmt
Set defaults for particular MPEG profiles
[0 = Generic MPEG1, 1 = VCD, 2 = user-rate VCD, 3 = Generic MPEG2,
4 = SVCD, 5 = user-rate SVCD
6 = VCD Stills, 7 = SVCD Stills, 8 = DVD with NAV sectors, 9 = DVD]
--mux-bitrate|-r num
Specify data rate of output stream in kbit/sec
(default 0=Compute from source streams)
--video-buffer|-b num [, num...]
Specifies decoder buffers size in kB. [ 20...2000]
--lpcm-params | -L samppersec:chan:bits [, samppersec:chan:bits]
--mux-limit|-l num
Multiplex only num seconds of material (default 0=multiplex all)
--sync-offset|-O num ms|s|mpt|c
Specify offset of timestamps (video-audio) in mSec
--subpicture-delay|-d delay [ms|s|mpt|c] [:stream-id] [, delay[:stream-id]]
Specify offset of timestamps (video-subpicture) in msec (default) sec, mpt or clock-ticks
--sector-size|-s num
Specify sector size in bytes for generic formats [256..16384]
Force variable bit-rate video multiplexing
Force constant bit-rate video multiplexing
--run-in|-R num
Force a 'run-in' of exactly num frame intervals
--packets-per-pack|-p num
Number of packets per pack generic formats [1..100]
Create System header in every pack in generic formats
--max-segment-size|-S size
Maximum size of output file(s) in Mbyte (default: 0) (no limit)
Don't switch to a new output file if a sequence end marker
is encountered in the input video.
--vdr-index|-i <vdr-index-filename>
Generate a VDR index file with the output stream
--workaround|-W workaround [, workaround ]
Print this lot out!