-V (return code: 1)
Illegal option --
Usage: [-t title_mode] [-l language] < >
-t title_mode Sets the title mode. With this option, you can determine which
part of the file will become the title that is used
in the DVD menu that will be created by movie-title. Possible
values are:
title This will simply use the "T" line in the file
short This will simply use the "S" line in the file
squote This will use the quoted part of the "S" line
auto This will try to autodetect what to use
The "title" setting is the default if you don't use -t.
-l language Sets the language of the title headings that are produced in
the .info file (the default is English, which will use the
headings "Title", "Short description" and "Synopsis"). You may
either specify "english", "french" or "dutch" or specify your
language's words for title, short description and synopis (or
long description), separated by pipe signs (|).
For example: ... -l "Title|Short description|Synopsis" ...
could be used instead of "english".
ERROR: Unknown option specified --help (return code: 1)
Illegal option --
Usage: [-t title_mode] [-l language] < >
-t title_mode Sets the title mode. With this option, you can determine which
part of the file will become the title that is used
in the DVD menu that will be created by movie-title. Possible
values are:
title This will simply use the "T" line in the file
short This will simply use the "S" line in the file
squote This will use the quoted part of the "S" line
auto This will try to autodetect what to use
The "title" setting is the default if you don't use -t.
-l language Sets the language of the title headings that are produced in
the .info file (the default is English, which will use the
headings "Title", "Short description" and "Synopsis"). You may
either specify "english", "french" or "dutch" or specify your
language's words for title, short description and synopis (or
long description), separated by pipe signs (|).
For example: ... -l "Title|Short description|Synopsis" ...
could be used instead of "english".
ERROR: Unknown option specified