modelicat -V (return code: 2)
Translator v1.2 for Xcos from Modelica 2.x to flat Modelica
Copyright (C)
2005-2007 Imagine,
2007-2008 LMS-Imagine
Build date is not known (2008-04-01).
modelicat: unknown option '--version'.
usage: modelicat [-lib <filename>] [-o <filename>] [-fundir <dirname>] -command "command"
-lib <filename> Define <filename> to be a file containing a Modelica library of classes.
-o <filename> Specify target filename (default is `<instance name>.mo`).
-command "command" Define the component to be created as a regular Modelica component declaration.
-xml Generate an XML version of the model instead of flat Modelica code
-with-init Generate an XML version of the initialization problem in a file named <filename>_init.xml.
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options
modelicat --help (return code: 0)
Translator v1.2 for Xcos from Modelica 2.x to flat Modelica
Copyright (C)
2005-2007 Imagine,
2007-2008 LMS-Imagine
Build date is not known (2008-04-01).
usage: modelicat [-lib <filename>] [-o <filename>] [-fundir <dirname>] -command "command"
-lib <filename> Define <filename> to be a file containing a Modelica library of classes.
-o <filename> Specify target filename (default is `<instance name>.mo`).
-command "command" Define the component to be created as a regular Modelica component declaration.
-xml Generate an XML version of the model instead of flat Modelica code
-with-init Generate an XML version of the initialization problem in a file named <filename>_init.xml.
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options