mkvpropedit --version (return code: 0)
mkvpropedit v15.0.0 ('Duel with the Devil') 64-bit
mkvpropedit --help (return code: 0)
mkvpropedit [options] <file> <actions>
-l, --list-property-names List all valid property names and exit
-p, --parse-mode <mode> Sets the Matroska parser mode to 'fast' (default) or 'full'
Actions for handling properties:
-e, --edit <selector> Sets the Matroska file section that all following add/set/delete actions operate on (see below and man page for syntax)
-a, --add <name=value> Adds a property with the value even if such a property already exists
-s, --set <name=value> Sets a property to the value if it exists and add it otherwise
-d, --delete <name> Delete all occurences of a property
Actions for handling tags and chapters:
-t, --tags <selector:filename>
Add or replace tags in the file with the ones from 'filename' or remove them if 'filename' is empty (see below and man page for syntax)
-c, --chapters <filename> Add or replace chapters in the file with the ones from 'filename' or remove them if 'filename' is empty
--add-track-statistics-tags Calculate statistics for all tracks and add new/update existing tags for them
Delete all existing track statistics tags
Actions for handling attachments:
--add-attachment <filename> Add the file 'filename' as a new attachment
--replace-attachment <attachment-selector:filename>
Replace an attachment with the file 'filename'
--update-attachment <attachment-selector>
Update an attachment's properties
--delete-attachment <attachment-selector>
Delete one or more attachments
--attachment-name <name> Set the name to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option
--attachment-description <description>
Set the description to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option
--attachment-mime-type <mime-type>
Set the MIME type to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option
--attachment-uid <uid> Set the UID to use for the following '--add-attachment', '--replace-attachment' or '--update-attachment' option
Other options:
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity.
-q, --quiet Suppress status output.
--ui-language <code> Force the translations for 'code' to be used.
--command-line-charset <charset>
Charset for strings on the command line
--output-charset <cset> Output messages in this charset
-r, --redirect-output <file>
Redirects all messages into this file.
@option-file.json Reads additional command line options from the specified JSON file (see man page).
-h, --help Show this help.
-V, --version Show version information.
The order of the various options is not important.
Edit selectors for properties:
Segment information:
The strings 'info', 'segment_info' or 'segmentinfo' select the segment information element. This is also the default until the first '--edit' option is found.
Track headers:
The string 'track:n' with 'n' being a number selects the nth track. Numbering starts at 1.
The string 'track:' followed by one of the chars 'a', 'b', 's' or 'v' followed by a number 'n' selects the nth audio, button, subtitle or video track (e.g. '--edit track:a2'). Numbering starts at 1.
The string 'track:=uid' with 'uid' being a number selects the track whose 'track UID' element equals 'uid'.
The string 'track:@number' with 'number' being a number selects the track whose 'track number' element equals 'number'.
Tag selectors:
The string 'all' works on all tags.
The string 'global' works on the global tags.
All other strings work just like the track header selectors (see above).
Attachment selectors:
An <attachment-selector> can have three forms:
1. A number which will be interpreted as an attachment ID as listed by 'mkvmerge --identify-verbose'. These are usually simply numbered starting from 0 (e.g. '2').
2. A number with the prefix '=' which will be interpreted as the attachment's unique ID (UID) as listed by 'mkvmerge --identify-verbose'. These are usually random-looking numbers (e.g.
3. Either 'name:<value>' or 'mime-type:<value>' in which case the selector applies to all attachments whose name or MIME type respectively equals <value>.