mkvinfo-gui --version (return code: 0)
mkvinfo v15.0.0 ('Duel with the Devil') 64-bit
mkvinfo-gui --help (return code: 0)
mkvinfo [options] <inname>
-G, --no-gui Do not start the GUI.
-g, --gui Start the GUI (and open inname if it was given).
-c, --checksum Calculate and display checksums of frame contents.
-C, --check-mode Calculate and display checksums and use verbosity level 4.
-s, --summary Only show summaries of the contents, not each element.
-t, --track-info Show statistics for each track in verbose mode.
-x, --hexdump Show the first 16 bytes of each frame as a hex dump.
-X, --full-hexdump Show all bytes of each frame as a hex dump.
-p, --hex-positions Show positions in hexadecimal.
-z, --size Show the size of each element including its header.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity.
-q, --quiet Suppress status output.
--ui-language <code> Force the translations for 'code' to be used.
--command-line-charset <charset>
Charset for strings on the command line
--output-charset <cset> Output messages in this charset
-r, --redirect-output <file>
Redirects all messages into this file.
@option-file.json Reads additional command line options from the specified JSON file (see man page).
-h, --help Show this help.
-V, --version Show version information.