mkbundle -V (return code: 1)
OS is: Linux
Sources: 1 Auto-dependencies: False
ERROR: Cannot find assembly `--version'
mkbundle --help (return code: 1)
OS is: Linux
Usage is: mkbundle [options] assembly1 [assembly2...]
-c Produce stub only, do not compile
-o out Specifies output filename
-oo obj Specifies output filename for helper object file
-L path Adds `path' to the search path for assemblies
--nodeps Turns off automatic dependency embedding (default)
--deps Turns on automatic dependency embedding
When no value provided, or when `true` specified
`dos2unix` will be invoked to convert paths on Windows.
When `--dos2unix=false` used, dos2unix is NEVER used.
--keeptemp Keeps the temporary files
--config F Bundle system config file `F'
--config-dir D Set MONO_CFG_DIR to `D'
--machine-config F Use the given file as the machine.config for the application.
--static Statically link to mono libs
--nomain Don't include a main() function, for libraries
-z Compress the assemblies before embedding.
--skip-scan Skip scanning assemblies that could not be loaded (but still embed them).
--static-ctor ctor Add a constructor call to the supplied function.
You need zlib development headers and libraries.