mikmod --version (return code: 0)
-= MikMod 3.2.8 =-
(c) 2004 Raphael Assenat and others - see file AUTHORS for complete list
Sound engine version 3.3.11
mikmod --help (return code: 0)
-= MikMod 3.2.8 =-
(c) 2004 Raphael Assenat and others - see file AUTHORS for complete list
Usage: mikmod [option|-y dir]... [module|playlist]...
Output options:
-d[river] n,options Use nth driver for output (0: autodetect), default: 0
-o[utput] 8m|8s|16m|16s 8/16 bit output in stereo/mono, default: 16s
-f[requency] nnnnn Set mixing frequency, default: 44100
* -i[nterpolate] Use interpolate mixing, default: Yes
* -hq[mixer] Use high-quality (but slower) software mixer,
default: No
* -su[rround] Use surround mixing, default: No
-r[everb] nn Set reverb amount (0-15), default: 0
Playback options:
-v[olume] nn Set volume from 0% (silence) to 100%, default: 100%
* -F, -fa[deout] Force volume fade at the end of module, default: No
* -l[oops] Enable in-module loops, default: No
* -a, -pa[nning] Process panning effects, default: Yes
* -x, -pr[otracker] Disable extended protracker effects, default: No
Loading options:
-y, -di[rectory] dir Scan directory recursively for modules
* -c[urious] Look for hidden patterns in module, default: No
-p[laymode] n Playlist mode (1: loop module, 2: list multi
4: shuffle list, 8: list random), default: 2
* -t[olerant] Don't halt on file access errors, default: Yes
Scheduling options (need root privileges or a setuid root binary):
* -s, -ren[ice] Renice to -20 (more scheduling priority), default: No
* -S, -rea[ltime] Get realtime priority (will hog CPU power), default: No
Display options:
-q[uiet] Quiet mode, no interface, displays only errors.
Information options:
-n, -in[formation] List all available drivers and module loaders.
-N n, -drvinfo Print information on a specific driver.
-V -ve[rsion] Display MikMod version.
-h[elp] Display this help screen.
Configuration option:
-norc Don't parse the file '/root/.mikmodrc' on startup
Options marked with '*' also exist in negative form (eg -nointerpolate)
F1 or H while playing: Display help panel.