melting -VERSION (return code: 0)
Version: 4.3
melting --help (return code: 1)
I did not understand the option --help
Usage is 'melting OPTIONS' where OPTIONS are:
-A[xxxxxx.nn] Name of a file containing alternative nn parameters
Defaults are: DNA/DNA: all97a.nn
DNA/RNA: sug95a.nn
RNA/RNA: xia98a.nn
-D[xxxxxx.nn] Name of a file containing nn parameters for dangling ends
Default is dnadnade.nn
-C[XXXXXXXXXX] Complementary sequence, mandatory if mismaches
-F[x.xx] Correction for the concentration of nucleic acid
-h Displays this help and quit
-H[xxxxxx] Type of hybridisation (exemple dnadna), mandatory
-I[XXXXXX] Name of an input file setting up the options
-K Salt correction. Default is san98a
-L Displays legal information and quit
-M[xxxxxx.nn] Name of a file containing nn parameters for mismatches
Default is dnadnamm.nn
-i[xxxxxx.nn] Name of a file containing nn parameters for inosine mismatches
Defaults are: DNA/DNA: san05a.nn
DNA/RNA: san05a.nn
RNA/RNA: bre07a.nn
-N[x.xe-x] Sodium concentration in mol.l-1. Mandatory
-k[x.xe-x] Potassium concentration in mol.l-1. Mandatory
-t[x.xe-x] Tris concentration in mol.l-1. The Tri+ concentration is about
half of total Tris concentration Mandatory
-G[x.xe-x] Magnesium concentration in mol.l-1. Mandatory
-O[XXXXXX] Name of an output file (the name can be omitted)
-P[x.xe-x] Concentration of single strand nucleic acid in mol.l-1. Mandatory
-p Return path where to find the calorimetric tables
-q Quiet. Switch off interactive correction of parameters
-S[XXXXXXXXXX] Nucleic acid sequence, mandatory
-T[XXX] Threshold for approximative computation
-v Switch ON the verbose mode, issuing lot more info
(if already ON, switch if OFF). Default is OFF
-V Print the version number
-x Force to compute an approximative tm
More information is available in the user-guide. Type `man melting'
to access it, or consult one of the files, where xxx
states for lat1 (isolatin1 text), ps (postscript), pdf or html.