melt --version (return code: 0)
no more csLADSPA plugins
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlt/
(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlt/ undefined symbol: glFramebufferTexture2D)
melt 6.4.1
Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Meltytech, LLC
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
melt --help (return code: 0)
no more csLADSPA plugins
mlt_repository_init: failed to dlopen /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlt/
(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mlt/ undefined symbol: glFramebufferTexture2D)
Usage: melt [options] [producer [name=value]* ]+
-attach filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to the output
-attach-cut filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a cut
-attach-track filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a track
-attach-clip filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a producer
-audio-track | -hide-video Add an audio-only track
-blank frames Add blank silence to a track
-consumer id[:arg] [name=value]* Set the consumer (sink)
-debug Set the logging level to debug
-filter filter[:arg] [name=value]* Add a filter to the current track
-getc Get keyboard input using getc
-group [name=value]* Apply properties repeatedly
-help Show this message
-jack Enable JACK transport synchronization
-join clips Join multiple clips into one cut
-mix length Add a mix between the last two cuts
-mixer transition Add a transition to the mix
-null-track | -hide-track Add a hidden track
-profile name Set the processing settings
-progress Display progress along with position
-remove Remove the most recent cut
-repeat times Repeat the last cut
-query List all of the registered services
-query "consumers" | "consumer"=id List consumers or show info about one
-query "filters" | "filter"=id List filters or show info about one
-query "producers" | "producer"=id List producers or show info about one
-query "transitions" | "transition"=id List transitions, show info about one
-query "profiles" | "profile"=id List profiles, show info about one
-query "presets" | "preset"=id List presets, show info about one
-query "formats" List audio/video formats
-query "audio_codecs" List audio codecs
-query "video_codecs" List video codecs
-serialise [filename] Write the commands to a text file
-silent Do not display position/transport
-split relative-frame Split the last cut into two cuts
-swap Rearrange the last two cuts
-track Add a track
-transition id[:arg] [name=value]* Add a transition
-verbose Set the logging level to verbose
-version Show the version and copyright
-video-track | -hide-audio Add a video-only track
For more help: <>