mediastream --version (return code: 0)
mediastream --local <port> --remote <ip:port>
--payload <payload type number or payload name like 'audio/pmcu/8000'>
[ --fmtp <fmtpline> ]
[ --jitter <miliseconds> ]
[ --width <pixels> ]
[ --height <pixels> ]
[ --bitrate <bits per seconds> ]
[ --ec (enable echo canceller) ]
[ --ec-tail <echo canceller tail length in ms> ]
[ --ec-delay <echo canceller delay in ms> ]
[ --ec-framesize <echo canceller framesize in samples> ]
[ --agc (enable automatic gain control) ]
[ --ng (enable noise gate)]
[ --ng-threshold <(float) [0-1]> (noise gate threshold) ]
[ --ng-floorgain <(float) [0-1]> (gain applied to the signal when its energy is below the threshold.) ]
[ --capture-card <name> ]
[ --playback-card <name> ]
[ --infile <input wav file> specify a wav file to be used for input, instead of soundcard ]
[ --outfile <output wav file> specify a wav file to write audio into, instead of soundcard ]
[ --camera <camera id as listed at startup> ]
[ --el (enable echo limiter) ]
[ --el-speed <(float) [0-1]> (gain changes are smoothed with a coefficent) ]
[ --el-thres <(float) [0-1]> (Threshold above which the system becomes active) ]
[ --el-force <(float) [0-1]> (The proportional coefficient controlling the mic attenuation) ]
[ --el-sustain <(int)> (Time in milliseconds for which the attenuation is kept unchanged after) ]
[ --el-transmit-thres <(float) [0-1]> (TO BE DOCUMENTED) ]
[ --rc (enable adaptive rate control) ]
[ --zrtp <secrets file> (enable zrtp) ]
[ --verbose (most verbose messages) ]
[ --video-windows-id <video surface:preview surface>]
[ --srtp <local master_key> <remote master_key> (enable srtp, master key is generated if absent from comand line)
[ --netsim-bandwidth <bandwidth limit in bits/s> (simulates a network download bandwidth limit)
[ --netsim-lossrate <0-100> (simulates a network lost rate)
[ --zoom zoomfactor]
[ --ice-local-candidate <ip:port:[host|srflx|prflx|relay]> ]
[ --ice-remote-candidate <ip:port:[host|srflx|prflx|relay]> ]
[ --mtu <mtu> (specify MTU)]
[ --interactive (run in interactive mode)]
mediastream --help (return code: 0)
mediastream --local <port> --remote <ip:port>
--payload <payload type number or payload name like 'audio/pmcu/8000'>
[ --fmtp <fmtpline> ]
[ --jitter <miliseconds> ]
[ --width <pixels> ]
[ --height <pixels> ]
[ --bitrate <bits per seconds> ]
[ --ec (enable echo canceller) ]
[ --ec-tail <echo canceller tail length in ms> ]
[ --ec-delay <echo canceller delay in ms> ]
[ --ec-framesize <echo canceller framesize in samples> ]
[ --agc (enable automatic gain control) ]
[ --ng (enable noise gate)]
[ --ng-threshold <(float) [0-1]> (noise gate threshold) ]
[ --ng-floorgain <(float) [0-1]> (gain applied to the signal when its energy is below the threshold.) ]
[ --capture-card <name> ]
[ --playback-card <name> ]
[ --infile <input wav file> specify a wav file to be used for input, instead of soundcard ]
[ --outfile <output wav file> specify a wav file to write audio into, instead of soundcard ]
[ --camera <camera id as listed at startup> ]
[ --el (enable echo limiter) ]
[ --el-speed <(float) [0-1]> (gain changes are smoothed with a coefficent) ]
[ --el-thres <(float) [0-1]> (Threshold above which the system becomes active) ]
[ --el-force <(float) [0-1]> (The proportional coefficient controlling the mic attenuation) ]
[ --el-sustain <(int)> (Time in milliseconds for which the attenuation is kept unchanged after) ]
[ --el-transmit-thres <(float) [0-1]> (TO BE DOCUMENTED) ]
[ --rc (enable adaptive rate control) ]
[ --zrtp <secrets file> (enable zrtp) ]
[ --verbose (most verbose messages) ]
[ --video-windows-id <video surface:preview surface>]
[ --srtp <local master_key> <remote master_key> (enable srtp, master key is generated if absent from comand line)
[ --netsim-bandwidth <bandwidth limit in bits/s> (simulates a network download bandwidth limit)
[ --netsim-lossrate <0-100> (simulates a network lost rate)
[ --zoom zoomfactor]
[ --ice-local-candidate <ip:port:[host|srflx|prflx|relay]> ]
[ --ice-remote-candidate <ip:port:[host|srflx|prflx|relay]> ]
[ --mtu <mtu> (specify MTU)]
[ --interactive (run in interactive mode)]