media-ctl -V (return code: 1)
media-ctl: unrecognized option '--version'
Invalid option -?
Run media-ctl -h for help.
media-ctl --help (return code: 0)
media-ctl [options]
-d, --device dev Media device name (default: /dev/media0)
-e, --entity name Print the device name associated with the given entity
-V, --set-v4l2 v4l2 Comma-separated list of formats to setup
--get-v4l2 pad Print the active format on a given pad
--set-dv pad Configure DV timings on a given pad
-h, --help Show verbose help and exit
-i, --interactive Modify links interactively
-l, --links links Comma-separated list of link descriptors to setup
--known-mbus-fmts List known media bus formats and their numeric values
-p, --print-topology Print the device topology. If an entity
is specified through the -e option, print
information for that entity only.
--print-dot Print the device topology as a dot graph
-r, --reset Reset all links to inactive
-v, --verbose Be verbose
Links and formats are defined as
links = link { ',' link } ;
link = pad '->' pad '[' flags ']' ;
pad = entity ':' pad-number ;
entity = entity-number | ( '"' entity-name '"' ) ;
v4l2 = pad '[' v4l2-properties ']' ;
v4l2-properties = v4l2-property { ',' v4l2-property } ;
v4l2-property = v4l2-mbusfmt | v4l2-crop | v4l2-interval
| v4l2-compose | v4l2-interval ;
v4l2-mbusfmt = 'fmt:' fcc '/' size ; { 'field:' v4l2-field ; }
v4l2-crop = 'crop:' rectangle ;
v4l2-compose = 'compose:' rectangle ;
v4l2-interval = '@' numerator '/' denominator ;
rectangle = '(' left ',' top, ')' '/' size ;
size = width 'x' height ;
where the fields are
entity-number Entity numeric identifier
entity-name Entity name (string)
pad-number Pad numeric identifier
flags Link flags (0: inactive, 1: active)
fcc Format FourCC
width Image width in pixels
height Image height in pixels
numerator Frame interval numerator
denominator Frame interval denominator
v4l2-field One of the following: