map2rmp -V (return code: 255)
You must give a provider and product name!
Call map2rmp without arguments for help.
****** map2rmp, Version 1.8.1 ******
map2rmp (return code: 255)
usage: map2rpm -p <string> -n <string> -c <string> -q <1..100> -s <411|422|444> -i <file1> <file2> ... <fileN> <outputfile>
-p The map provider as string (mandatory)
-n The map name as string (mandatory)
-c The copyright notice (optional)
-q The JPEG quality from 1 to 100. Default is 75
-s The chroma subsampling. Default is 411
-i Add intermediate levels (optional)
NOTE: The projection of all input files must be EPSG4326. You can use GDAL to convert
your files. Use 'gdalinfo <file>' to find out the size in pixel of your file.
Use gdalwarp to reproject your file:
gdalwarp -t_srs "+init=epsg:4326" -ts <width in pixel> <height in pixel> <file> <outputfile>
****** map2rmp, Version 1.8.1 ******