makebin -V (return code: 1)
makebin: convert a Intel IHX file to binary or GameBoy format binary.
Usage: makebin [options] [<in_file> [<out_file>]]
-p pack mode: the binary file size will be truncated to the last occupied byte
-s romsize size of the binary file (default: 32768)
-Z genarate GameBoy format binary file
GameBoy format options (applicable only with -Z option):
-yo n number of rom banks (default: 2)
-ya n number of ram banks (default: 0)
-yt n MBC type (default: no MBC)
-yn name cartridge name (default: none)
<in_file> optional IHX input file, '-' means stdin. (default: stdin)
<out_file> optional output file, '-' means stdout. (default: stdout)
makebin -h (return code: 0)
makebin: convert a Intel IHX file to binary or GameBoy format binary.
Usage: makebin [options] [<in_file> [<out_file>]]
-p pack mode: the binary file size will be truncated to the last occupied byte
-s romsize size of the binary file (default: 32768)
-Z genarate GameBoy format binary file
GameBoy format options (applicable only with -Z option):
-yo n number of rom banks (default: 2)
-ya n number of ram banks (default: 0)
-yt n MBC type (default: no MBC)
-yn name cartridge name (default: none)
<in_file> optional IHX input file, '-' means stdin. (default: stdin)
<out_file> optional output file, '-' means stdout. (default: stdout)