lvmetad --version (return code: 0)
lvmetad: invalid option -- '-'
lvmetad [-V] [-h] [-f] [-l level[,level ...]] [-s path] [-t secs]
-V Show version of lvmetad
-h Show this help information
-f Don't fork, run in the foreground
-l Logging message levels (all,fatal,error,warn,info,wire,debug)
-p Set path to the pidfile
-s Set path to the socket to listen on
-t Time to wait in seconds before shutdown on idle (missing or 0 = inifinite)
lvmetad --help (return code: 0)
lvmetad: invalid option -- '-'
lvmetad [-V] [-h] [-f] [-l level[,level ...]] [-s path] [-t secs]
-V Show version of lvmetad
-h Show this help information
-f Don't fork, run in the foreground
-l Logging message levels (all,fatal,error,warn,info,wire,debug)
-p Set path to the pidfile
-s Set path to the socket to listen on
-t Time to wait in seconds before shutdown on idle (missing or 0 = inifinite)