luckybackup -V (return code: 1)
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
You are using luckyBackup version: 0.4.8
luckybackup -HELP (return code: 1)
QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
* usage : luckybackup [options] [filename]
[options] can be :
--help : displays this help message
--version : displays the current version of the application
--skip-critical : does not execute tasks that appear with a 'CRITICAL' warning message.
--dry-run : executes luckybackup in dry-run (simulation) mode
--silent : executes luckybackup in silent mode (just tray notification icon shown)
-c : console mode. Use this, if there is no graphical envrironment available
--no-questions: skips confirmation questions asked to user. Implies -c (console mode).
[filename] is the already created profile that is going to be executed
* examples:
Execute luckybackup gui :
$ luckybackup
Execute luckybackup in silent mode for profile '~/.luckyBackup/profiles/BackupHome.profile' :
$ luckybackup --silent ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/BackupHome.profile
Execute luckybackup in console mode for profile '~/.luckyBackup/profiles/BackupHome.profile' :
$ luckybackup -c BackupHome.profile
Execute luckybackup in console mode for profile '~/.luckyBackup/profiles/BackupHome.profile' :
Do not ask any questions and skip all tasks that apear CRITICAL after the checks
$ luckybackup --skip-critical --no-questions ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/BackupHome.profile
see also luckybackup man page:
$ man luckybackup