lua-config50 --version (return code: 0)
lua-config50 --help (return code: 1)
Usage: lua-config50 <options>
Valid options are:
--include Outputs the -I switches needed to find <lua.h> etc.
--static Outputs the full path to the static libraries
--libs Outputs the -L and -l switches needed to find the library
--libs-only-L Outputs only the -L switches
--libs-only-l Outputs only the -l switches
--extralibs Outputs the -l switches appropriate to the extra libs needed by lua
Note that --static is mututally exclusive with the --libs* options
Also, you can specify the following
--vmonly Outputs only the switches for finding the VM libraries
--libonly Outputs only the switches for finding the standard libraries
--both Outputs the switches for both [The default]
gcc `lua-config50 --include` my_prog.c -o my_prog `lua-config50 --libs`
lua-config version 1.10 (c) Daniel Silverstone 2002
lua-config was written for the Debian GNU/Linux project. This version
of lua-config will provide switches appropriate to Lua 5.0