ls2ti3 -V (return code: 1)
Convert LightSpace raw RGB device profile data to Argyll CGATS data, Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
error: Too few arguments
usage: ls2ti3 [-v] infile outbase
infile Input LightSpace .bcs file
outbasename Output file basename for .ti3
ls2ti3 -HELP (return code: 1)
Convert LightSpace raw RGB device profile data to Argyll CGATS data, Version 1.8.3
Author: Graeme W. Gill, licensed under the AGPL Version 3
error: Too few arguments
usage: ls2ti3 [-v] infile outbase
infile Input LightSpace .bcs file
outbasename Output file basename for .ti3