lmms -V (return code: 1)
lmms: cannot connect to X server
lmms --help (return code: 0)
LMMS 1.1.3
Copyright (c) 2004-2014 LMMS developers.
usage: lmms [ -r <project file> ] [ options ]
[ -u <in> <out> ]
[ -d <in> ]
[ -h ]
[ <file to load> ]
-r, --render <project file> render given project file
-o, --output <file> render into <file>
-f, --output-format <format> specify format of render-output where
format is either 'wav' or 'ogg'.
-s, --samplerate <samplerate> specify output samplerate in Hz
range: 44100 (default) to 192000
-b, --bitrate <bitrate> specify output bitrate in kHz
default: 160.
-i, --interpolation <method> specify interpolation method
possible values:
- linear
- sincfastest (default)
- sincmedium
- sincbest
-x, --oversampling <value> specify oversampling
possible values: 1, 2, 4, 8
default: 2
-u, --upgrade <in> [out] upgrade file <in> and save as <out>
standard out is used if no output file is specifed
-d, --dump <in> dump XML of compressed file <in>
-v, --version show version information and exit.
-h, --help show this usage information and exit.