ldns-gen-zone -version (return code: 0)
ldns-gen-zone version 1.6.17 (ldns version 1.6.17)
ldns-gen-zone -h (return code: 0)
Usage: ldns-gen-zone [-hsv] [-ap NUM] [-o ORIGIN] [<zonefile>]
Reads a zonefile and add some artificial NS RRsets and DS records.
If no zonefile is given, the zone is read from stdin.
-a <NUM> add NUM artifical delegations (NS RRSets) to output.
-p <NUM> add NUM percent of DS RRset's to the NS RRsets (1-4 RR's per DS RRset).
-o ORIGIN sets an $ORIGIN, which can be handy if the one in the zonefile is set to @.
-s if input zone file is already sorted and canonicalized (ie all lowercase),
use this option to speed things up while inserting DS records.
-h show this text.
-v shows the version and exits.
if no file is given standard input is read.