lcdexec -V (return code: 255)
Shell not set in configuration, falling back to variable SHELL
variable SHELL not set, falling back to /bin/sh
sock_connect: connect failed
Critical error, abort
lcdexec --help (return code: 0)
lcdexec - LCDproc client to execute commands from the LCDd menu
Copyright (c) 2002, Joris Robijn, 2006-2008 Peter Marschall.
This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Usage: lcdexec [<options>]
where <options> are:
-c <file> Specify configuration file [/etc/lcdexec.conf]
-a <address> DNS name or IP address of the LCDd server [localhost]
-p <port> port of the LCDd server [13666]
-f Run in foreground
-r <level> Set reporting level (0-5) [2: errors and warnings]
-s <0|1> Report to syslog (1) or stderr (0, default)
-h Show this help