lazbuild-1.8.0 --version (return code: 0)
lazbuild-1.8.0 --help (return code: 0)
lazbuild [options] <project/package filename or package name>
--help or -?
this help message
-B or --build-all
build all files of project/package/IDE
-r or --recursive
apply build flags (-B) to dependencies too
-d or --skip-dependencies
do not compile dependencies
build IDE with packages
-v or --version
show version and exit
-q or --quiet
be less verbose, can be given multiple times
Passing quiet two times, will pass
-vw-n-h-i-l-d-u-t-p-c-x- to the compiler
be more verbose, can be given multiple times
Write what package files are searched and found
add package(s) to list of installed packages
(combine with --build-ide to rebuild IDE).
--add-package-link=<.lpk file>
Only register the Lazarus package files (.lpk). Do
not build.
Instead of compile package create a simple Makefile.
or --pcp=<path>
primary config directory, where Lazarus stores its
config files. Default is /root/.lazarus
or --scp=<path>
secondary config directory, where Lazarus searches
for config template files. Default is /etc/lazarus
or --os=<operating-system>
override the project operating system. e.g. win32
linux. default: linux
or --ws=<widgetset>
override the project widgetset. e.g. gtk gtk2 qt
win32 carbon. default: gtk2
override the project cpu. e.g. i386 x86_64 powerpc
powerpc_64 etc. default: x86_64
--build-mode=<project/ide build mode>
or --bm=<project/ide build mode>
override the project or IDE build mode.
override the default compiler. e.g. ppc386 ppcx64
ppcppc etc. default is stored in
Override language. For example --language=de. For
possible values see files in the languages directory.
--lazarusdir=<Lazarus directory>
directory, to be used as a basedirectory
Maximum number of threads for compiling in
parallel. Default is 0, which guesses the number of
cores in the system.
Do not write updated project info file after build.
If not specified, build number will be incremented
if configured.