lavtrans -V (return code: 1)
lavtrans: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: lavtrans -o <outputfile> -f [aqiw] filenames [<-i num>]
-f a output AVI file
-f q output Quicktime file
-f i output single JPEG images, -o option mut be a valid format string
-f w output WAV file (sound only!)
-i num convert single frame to JPEG
lavtrans --help (return code: 1)
lavtrans: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: lavtrans -o <outputfile> -f [aqiw] filenames [<-i num>]
-f a output AVI file
-f q output Quicktime file
-f i output single JPEG images, -o option mut be a valid format string
-f w output WAV file (sound only!)
-i num convert single frame to JPEG