lav2wav --version (return code: 0)
lav2wav: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: lav2wav [options] inputfiles
where options are:
-o num Start extracting at video frame (num)
-f num Extract (num) frames of audio
-s/-c Backwards compatibility options for -o/-f
-v num verbose level [0..2]
-I Ignore unsupported bitrates/bits per sample
-r sr,bs,ch If the file does not contain any sound generate silence
sr samplerate 32000,44100,48000 bs bytesize 8,16, ch channes 1/2
-R The same as -r but now a silence with 44100, 16, 2 is created
lav2wav --help (return code: 0)
lav2wav: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: lav2wav [options] inputfiles
where options are:
-o num Start extracting at video frame (num)
-f num Extract (num) frames of audio
-s/-c Backwards compatibility options for -o/-f
-v num verbose level [0..2]
-I Ignore unsupported bitrates/bits per sample
-r sr,bs,ch If the file does not contain any sound generate silence
sr samplerate 32000,44100,48000 bs bytesize 8,16, ch channes 1/2
-R The same as -r but now a silence with 44100, 16, 2 is created