latex2gif -V (return code: 1)
Calling latex, dvips, and ps2gif, please wait ...
pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian)
kpathsea version 6.2.1
Copyright 2015 Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
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Primary author of pdfTeX: Peter Breitenlohner (eTeX)/Han The Thanh (pdfTeX).
Compiled with libpng 1.6.17; using libpng 1.6.17
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Calling ghostscript to convert, please wait ...
pnmcrop: bad magic number - not a ppm, pgm, or pbm file
pnmscale: EOF / read error reading magic number
pnmcat: EOF / read error reading magic number
pnmcat: EOF / read error reading magic number
ppmtogif: EOF / read error reading magic number
rm: invalid option -- 'e'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
rm: invalid option -- 'e'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
rm: invalid option -- 'e'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
rm: invalid option -- 'e'
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
latex2gif (return code: 1)
Usage: latex2gif <file> (no extension)