lamwipe -V (return code: 0)
LAM 7.1.4/MPI 2 C++/ROMIO - Indiana University
Arch: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Prefix: /usr/lib/lam
Configured by: buildd
Configured on: Thu Apr 10 03:20:43 UTC 2014
Configure host: phianna
lamwipe -HELP (return code: 226)
Synopsis: lamwipe [-d] [-h] [-H] [-v] [-V] [-nn] [-np]
[-prefix </lam/install/path/>] [-w <#>] [<bhost>]
Description: This command has been obsoleted by the "lamhalt" command.
You should be using that instead. However, "lamwipe" can
still be used to shut down a LAM universe.
-b Use the faster lamwipe algorithm; will only work if shell
on all remote nodes is same as shell on local node
-d Print debugging message (implies -v)
-h Print this message
-H Don't print the header
-nn Don't add "-n" to the remote agent command line
-np Do not force the execution of $HOME/.profile on remote
-prefix Use the LAM installation in <lam/install/path/>
-v Be verbose
-V Print version and exit without shutting down LAM
-w <#> Lamwipe the first <#> nodes
<bhost> Use <bhost> as the boot schema