lamhalt -V (return code: 226)
Synopsis: lamhalt [options]
Description: Shut down an entire running LAM run time system.
This command should be preferred over the "lamwipe" command;
it is much faster and does not require a boot schema
(hostfile). Instead, it simply tells the local LAM
daemon to shutdown and waits for acknowledgements.
Options: -h Print this message
-H Don't print the header
-v Be verbose
-d Print out lots of debugging messages
lamhalt -h (return code: 0)
Synopsis: lamhalt [options]
Description: Shut down an entire running LAM run time system.
This command should be preferred over the "lamwipe" command;
it is much faster and does not require a boot schema
(hostfile). Instead, it simply tells the local LAM
daemon to shutdown and waits for acknowledgements.
Options: -h Print this message
-H Don't print the header
-v Be verbose
-d Print out lots of debugging messages