lamexec -V (return code: 226)
lamexec [options] [<app>] [[<nodes>] <prog> [<args>]]
lamexec -h (return code: 0)
Synopsis: lamexec [options] <app>
lamexec [options] <where> <program> [<prog args>]
Description: Start a non-MPI job on LAM nodes.
[options] Zero or more of the options listed below
<app> LAM/MPI appschema
<where> List of LAM nodes and/or CPUs (examples
<program> Program to execute
<prog args> Optional list of command line arguments
to <program>
-c <num> Run <num> copies of <program> (same as -np)
-D Change current working directory of new
processes to the directory where the
executable resides
-f Do not open stdio descriptors
-h Print this help message
-pty Use pty if stdout is a tty
-np <num> Run <num> copies of <program> (same as -c)
-npty Do not use a pty for stdout
-s <nodeid> Load <program> from node <nodeid>
-v Be verbose
-w / -nw Wait / don't wait for job to complete
-x <envlist> Export environment vars in <envlist>
Nodes: n<list>, e.g., n0-3,5
CPUS: c<list>, e.g., c0-3,5
Extras: h (local node), o (origin node), N (all nodes), C (all CPUs)
Examples: lamexec n0-7 prog1
Executes "prog1" on nodes 0 through 7.
lamexec -x FOO=bar,DISPLAY N prog2
Executes "prog2" on all nodes. In the environment of
each process, set FOO to the value "bar", and set
DISPLAY to the current value.
lamexec n0 N prog3
Run "prog3" on node 0, *and* all nodes. This executes *2*
copies on n0.
lamexec C prog4 arg1 arg2
Run "prog4" on each available CPU with command line
arguments of "arg1" and "arg2". If each node has a
CPU count of 1, the "C" is equivalent to "N". If at
least one node has a CPU count greater than 1, LAM
will run multiple copies on that node. For example,
if node 0 has a CPU count of 4 and node 1 has a CPU
count of 2, "prog4" will have MPI_COMM_WORLD ranks 0
through 3 on n0, and ranks 4 and 5 on n1.
lamexec c0 C prog5
Similar to the "prog3" example above, this runs "prog5"
on CPU 0 *and* on each available CPU. This executes
*2* copies on the node where CPU 0 is (i.e., n0).
This is probably not a useful use of the "C" notation;
it is only shown here for an example.
Defaults: -w -pty