ktimetracker --version (return code: 0)
Qt: 4.8.7
KDE Development Platform: 4.14.34
KTimeTracker: 4.14.10
ktimetracker --help (return code: 0)
Usage: ktimetracker [Qt-options] [KDE-options] file
KDE Time tracker tool
Generic options:
--help Show help about options
--help-qt Show Qt specific options
--help-kde Show KDE specific options
--help-all Show all options
--author Show author information
-v, --version Show version information
--license Show license information
-- End of options
file The iCalendar file to open
--listtasknames List all tasks as text output
--addtask <taskname> Add task <taskname>
--deletetask <taskid> Delete task <taskid>
--taskidsfromname <taskname> Print the task ids for all tasks named <taskname>
--starttask <taskid> Start timer for task <taskid>
--stoptask <taskid> Stop timer for task <taskid>
--totalminutesfortaskid <taskid> Deliver total minutes for task id
--version Outputs the version