-V (return code: 1)
kpa-backup: unrecognized option '--version'
Terminating... --help (return code: 0)
Usage: /usr/bin/ -b|--backup OPTIONS...
/usr/bin/ -r|--restore OPTIONS...
/usr/bin/ -l|--list [--terse] OPTIONS...
/usr/bin/ -i|--info OPTIONS...
/usr/bin/ -p|--purge [--keep NUM] OPTIONS...
Create or restore a backup of your essential KPhotoAlbum files.
Note: your actual image-files are not backed up!
-d|--directory BACKUP_LOCATION Use the specified path as backup location
[default: /root/kpa-backup]
--id BACKUP_ID Use given backup instead of latest.
-n|--no-act Do not take any action.
List options:
--terse Only show backup ids, no change information.
Purge options:
--keep NUM Keep the latest NUM backups.
[default: 5]
Create a new backup.
Restore the latest backup (or the one given by --id).
List all backups, in the same format as --info.
If --terse is given: show a list of all backup ids.
Show which files in the latest backup (or the one specified by --id)
have changed compared to the current state.
Delete all but the latest 5 backups.