kbroadcastnotification --version (return code: 0)
kbroadcastnotification --help (return code: 0)
Usage: kbroadcastnotification [options] body
A tool that emits a notification for all users by sending it on the system DBus
-h, --help Displays this help.
-v, --version Displays version information.
--application <application> Name of the application that should be
associated with this notification
--summary <summary> A brief one-line summary of the notification
--icon <icon> Icon for the notification
--uids <uids> A comma-separated list of user IDs this
notification should be sent to. If omitted, the
notification will be sent to all users.
--timeout <timeout> Timeout for the notification
--persistent Keep the notification in the history until the
user closes it
--author Show author information.
--license Show license information.
--desktopfile <file name> The base file name of the desktop entry for this
body The actual notification body text