kanji-fontmap-creator --version (return code: 0)
kanji-fontmap-creator 20170624.0
kanji-fontmap-creator --help (return code: 0)
kanji-fontmap-creator - GUI to create map file collections for Kanji fonts
kanji-fontmap-creator [[4moption[0m]
Create fontmap families for updmap's "kanjiEmbed" setting. For details see
the man page of [1mupdmap[0m(1) and the web page
Output version information and exit.
[1m-help[0m, [1m-?[0m, [1m-h[0m
Display this help and exit.
[1m-lang[0m [4mllcode[0m
By default, the GUI tries to deduce your language from the environment
(on Windows via the registry, on Unix via "LC_MESSAGES"). If that
fails you can select a different language by giving this option with a
language code (based on ISO 639-1). Currently supported is only
This script and documentation was written by Norbert Preining and both are
licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later.