k3d --version (return code: 0)
K-3D Version
Copyright (c) 1995-2010, Timothy M. Shead. All Rights Reserved. See the AUTHORS file for contributors.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING file for details.
K-3D home page: http://k3d.sourceforge.net
Bug reports to: tshead@k-3d.com
k3d --help (return code: 0)
K-3D options:
--add-path arg Prepend a path to the PATH environment variable
at runtime.
--batch Enable batch (no user intervention) mode.
--color Color-code log messages based on their level.
--disable-gl-extension arg Disables the given OpenGL extension.
--enable-gl-extension arg Enables the given OpenGL extension.
--exit Exits the program (useful after running scripts
in batch mode.
-h [ --help ] Prints this help message and exits.
--list-gl-extensions List available OpenGL extensions and exit.
--locale arg Overrides the path for loading locales
--log-level arg Specifies the minimum message priority to log -
valid values are "warning", "information",
"debug" [default: warning].
--no-color Disable color-coding of log messages based on
their level.
--options arg Overrides the filepath for storing user options
[default: /home/tshead/.k3d/options.k3d].
--plugins arg Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin
libraries [default: /usr/local/k3d/lib/k3d].
-e [ --script ] arg Executes the given script text after startup.
-f [ --script-file ] arg Executes the given script file after startup
(use - for stdin).
--setenv arg Set an environment variable using name=value
--shadercache arg Overrides the path for storing compiled shaders
[default: /home/tshead/.k3d/shadercache].
--share arg Overrides the path for loading shared data
files [default: /usr/local/k3d/share/k3d].
--show-process Prints the process name next to log messages.
--show-timestamps Prints timestamps next to log messages.
--syslog Logs messages to syslog.
-u [ --ui ] arg Specifies the user interface plugin to use -
valid values are a plugin path, "nui", "ngui",
"qtui", or "pyui" [default: qtui].
-H [ --user-interface-help ] Prints user interface help message and exits.
--version Prints program version information and exits.