jwt3 -V (return code: -15)
Usage: Encodes or decodes JSON Web Tokens based on input.
jwt [options] input
Decoding examples:
jwt --key=secret json.web.token
jwt --no-verify json.web.token
Encoding requires the key option and takes space separated key/value pairs
separated by equals (=) as input. Examples:
jwt --key=secret iss=me exp=1302049071
jwt --key=secret foo=bar exp=+10
The exp key is special and can take an offset to current Unix time.
jwt: error: no such option: --VERSION
jwt3 -h (return code: 0)
Usage: Encodes or decodes JSON Web Tokens based on input.
jwt [options] input
Decoding examples:
jwt --key=secret json.web.token
jwt --no-verify json.web.token
Encoding requires the key option and takes space separated key/value pairs
separated by equals (=) as input. Examples:
jwt --key=secret iss=me exp=1302049071
jwt --key=secret foo=bar exp=+10
The exp key is special and can take an offset to current Unix time.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n, --no-verify ignore signature verification on decode
--key=KEY set the secret key to sign with
--alg=ALG set crypto algorithm to sign with. default=HS256