javaws --version (return code: 0)
icedtea-web 1.6.2 (1.6.2-3.1ubuntu3)
javaws --help (return code: 0)
javaws [-run-options] jnlp file
javaws [-control-options]
When specifying options, the name of the jnlp file can be after the command, the -jnlp option, an option with no arguments, or after an argument with an option that takes one argument. A html file that launches a jnlp can be specified after the -html option.
The jnlp-file can either be a url or a local path.
The JNLP file should only be specified once, whether as a main argument, after -jnlp or through an html file.
Control options:
-about - Shows a sample application.(No argument expected)
-help - Prints out information about supported command and basic usage.(No argument expected)
-license - Display the GPL license and exit.(No argument expected)
-viewer - Shows the trusted certificate viewer.(No argument expected)
-Xclearcache - Clean the JNLP application cache.(No argument expected)
Run options:
-allowredirect - Follows HTTP redirects.(No argument expected)
-arg arg - Adds an application argument before launching.(Expected one or more arguments)
-headless - Disables download window, other UIs.(No argument expected)
-html - Location of HTML file to launch (url or file). You can use parameter ALL or numbers (like 1 2 5) to select applets on page. However experimental, this switch should keep you still in safety.(Expected one or more arguments)
-jnlp - Location of JNLP file to launch (url or file).(Exactly one argument expected)
-nosecurity - Disables the secure runtime environment.(No argument expected)
-noupdate - Disables checking for updates.(No argument expected)
-param name=value - Adds an applet parameter before launching.(Expected one or more arguments)
-property name=value - Sets a system property before launching.(Expected one or more arguments)
-strict - Enables strict checking of JNLP file format.(No argument expected)
-update seconds - Check for updates.(Exactly one argument expected)
-verbose - Enable verbose output.(No argument expected)
-version - Print the IcedTea-Web version and exit.(No argument expected)
-Xignoreheaders - Skip jar header verification.(No argument expected)
-xml - Uses a strict XML parser to parse the JNLP file.(No argument expected)
-Xnofork - Do not create another JVM.(No argument expected)
-Xoffline - Prevent ITW network connection. Only cache will be used. Application can still connect.(No argument expected)
-Xtrustnone - Instead of asking user, will foretold all answers as no.(No argument expected)