jarsigner -V (return code: 1)
Illegal option: --version
Please type jarsigner -help for usage
jarsigner --help (return code: 0)
Usage: jarsigner [options] jar-file alias
jarsigner -verify [options] jar-file [alias...]
[-keystore <url>] keystore location
[-storepass <password>] password for keystore integrity
[-storetype <type>] keystore type
[-keypass <password>] password for private key (if different)
[-certchain <file>] name of alternative certchain file
[-sigfile <file>] name of .SF/.DSA file
[-signedjar <file>] name of signed JAR file
[-digestalg <algorithm>] name of digest algorithm
[-sigalg <algorithm>] name of signature algorithm
[-verify] verify a signed JAR file
[-verbose[:suboptions]] verbose output when signing/verifying.
suboptions can be all, grouped or summary
[-certs] display certificates when verbose and verifying
[-tsa <url>] location of the Timestamping Authority
[-tsacert <alias>] public key certificate for Timestamping Authority
[-tsapolicyid <oid>] TSAPolicyID for Timestamping Authority
[-tsadigestalg <algorithm>] algorithm of digest data in timestamping request
[-altsigner <class>] class name of an alternative signing mechanism
[-altsignerpath <pathlist>] location of an alternative signing mechanism
[-internalsf] include the .SF file inside the signature block
[-sectionsonly] don't compute hash of entire manifest
[-protected] keystore has protected authentication path
[-providerName <name>] provider name
[-providerClass <class> name of cryptographic service provider's
[-providerArg <arg>]] ... master class file and constructor argument
[-strict] treat warnings as errors