jack_midiseq -V (return code: 1)
usage: jack_midiseq name nsamp [startindex note nsamp] ...... [startindex note nsamp]
eg: jack_midiseq Sequencer 24000 0 60 8000 12000 63 8000
will play a 1/2 sec loop (if srate is 48khz) with a c4 note at the start of the loop
that lasts for 12000 samples, then a d4# that starts at 1/4 sec that lasts for 800 samples
jack_midiseq --help (return code: 1)
usage: jack_midiseq name nsamp [startindex note nsamp] ...... [startindex note nsamp]
eg: jack_midiseq Sequencer 24000 0 60 8000 12000 63 8000
will play a 1/2 sec loop (if srate is 48khz) with a c4 note at the start of the loop
that lasts for 12000 samples, then a d4# that starts at 1/4 sec that lasts for 800 samples