jack-udp -V (return code: 1)
jack-udp: invalid option -- '-'
jack-udp: Illegal option ?.
Usage: jack-udp [ options ] mode
-b Set the ring buffer size in frames (default=4096).
-c Set the client name (default="jack-udp-PID").
-p Set the port number (default=57160).
-n Set the number of channels (default=2).
-r Set the remote addrress to send to (default="").
jack-udp -h (return code: 1)
Usage: jack-udp [ options ] mode
-b Set the ring buffer size in frames (default=4096).
-c Set the client name (default="jack-udp-PID").
-p Set the port number (default=57160).
-n Set the number of channels (default=2).
-r Set the remote addrress to send to (default="").